October 16-17, 2023: WAAO Fall Freeze in Wisconsin Dells https://www.waao.org/waao-fall-freeze-2023-registration (URL: https://www.waao.org/waao-fall-freeze-2023-registration )
October 18-20, 2023: WLIA Fall Regional Meeting in Minocqua https://www.wlia.org/events/fall-regional-meeting-2023 (URL: https://www.wlia.org/events/fall-regional-meeting-2023 )
February 28 – March 1, 2024: WLIA Annual Conference in Green Bay https://www.wlia.org/future-events (URL: https://www.wlia.org/future-events )
June 19-21, 2024: WRDA/WRPLA Joint Summer Conference in Green Bay Tundra Lodge Resort | Green Bay Hotels with Water Park (URL: https://www.tundralodge.com/ )
September 18-20, 2024: WRPLA Annual State Meeting in Pewaukee https://www.theinglesidehotel.com/ (URL: https://www.theinglesidehotel.com/ )
If anyone has questions on upcoming events or anything else please do not hesitate to contact me: [email protected] (URL: mailto:[email protected] )