What is the WRPLA?
The Wisconsin Real Property Listers Association (WRPLA) is a statewide association comprised of county and municipal real property lister offices/departments. Anyone is able to join, as we also have associate and sustaining memberships.
What is a Real Property Lister?
In 1951, the Wisconsin Legislature created the position of the County Real Property Lister (RPL) to ensure that lands were being represented accurately for assessment and taxation purposes. The RPL maintains land records focusing on the ownership records of real estate, and is a “Land Information Librarian/Custodian” of the information used to create the assessment rolls that underlie the entire taxation process. To put it more simply, the RPL maintains parcel information, using land records.
Who do Real Property Listers work with?
The RPL works closely with a wide variety of people:
General Public
Local Officials: Assessors, Clerks, and Treasurers
County Offices: Treasurer, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Planning and Zoning, Emergency Management, County Surveyor, Land Conservation, Parks and Recreation, and County Sheriff
State Offices: Department of Revenue, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Administration, Department of Commerce, Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection, etc.
Non-Government: Attorneys, Banks, Title Companies, Insurance Companies, Realtors, Surveyors, Historical Societies