Legislative Committee

For as long as I can remember, the Legislative Committee for the WRPLA has been synonymous with Brian Braithwaite, Washington County. Needless to say, he should be writing this post instead of me!! So, if you have more questions, please reach out to Brian.

The Legislative Committee is expected to be a clearinghouse for all opinions on legislative matters. Some years are busier than others for this Committee. If you are the Chair, you are automatically on the BOD (Board of Directors) and serve a 2 year term. The rest of the committee is made up of one member from each district.

This committee’s main job for the WRPLA is to keep us updated on any pending legislation that will affect our work. At the spring BOD meeting in Steven’s Point, the committee compiles a summary of all legislative issues for presentation to the BOD, and then the District VP’s take that information back to their districts for the Spring District Meetings. The chair has to travel for the Spring BOD meeting, and may have to travel to Madison if there needs to be WRPLA representation at various hearings (this past year, Brian represented our group to testify on behalf of the ROD bill calling for a Sheriff’s Deed to be taken to the ROD office by the Clerk of Court).

Then, in the fall, the Chair has to submit a “Legislation Committee Report” at the ASM (Annual State Meeting) held in September, which will be signed by all the committee members.

So, if you are interested in the legislation that will impact our jobs, this will be the committee for you!