Message from the President

Message from the President

As your incoming President, I would just like to say how honored I am to be serving the WRPLA.

I think everyone would agree that Janet Krucky and District 1 hosted an outstanding Annual State Meeting (ASM) this year. Between the speakers, entertainment, door prizes and beautiful scenery there was something for everyone. You all did a great job to create a memorable ASM. Head on over to our Facebook page to see some photos that were posted…and, yes, that is a human WRPLA demonstration!

Now that we’re (hopefully) back into the swing of things, I’d just like to take a few minutes to update you on what’s in store for the Association this year. As the new Board of Directors (BOD) takes over, we know that we must deal with a couple of Association issues, such as the discontinuance of Wiggio and our broken help@wrpla group email. I would ask for your patience as we decide a long-term, lasting solution. We may take a little longer than you may like, but we’d rather do it right than get stuck going a route that we’ll have to redo again in a couple years. Any ideas that you may have are welcome! Please feel free to share them with me or our Communications Committee Chair, Chelbi Stromblad.

We’ll keep you updated, so stay tuned!

I’d also like to extend another welcome our newest Listers! As always, we are a friendly group and are willing to answer all kinds of questions, so please don’t hesitate to ask them. This group is an excellent resource for Statute references and property listing procedures.

Due to the mass turn-over of Property Listers over the past couple of years, I’d like to let all you
“newbies” know that throughout the year, I’ll be sharing posts about how the WRPLA works. What are the Committees for? How do you get on a Committee? What does the WRPLA do for its members? I hope to keep you all informed!

I’m looking forward to serving the WRPLA as President this year. I think our association has a great balance of existing Listers and new Listers, which will make our Association a well-rounded force to be reckoned with!

Respectfully submitted,
Krista Paulson, WRPLA President
District 4